What is Food Therapy?

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” — Hippocrates, father of medicine, 431 B.C.

Food therapy is one of the branches of traditional Chinese medicine. Foods harbor different energies that can be used, or discontinued, to help treat imbalances. By adding food therapy to your pet’s treatment, we achieve a more holistic medical approach.

Dr. Monica

Patient Praise

“I can’t thank Dr. Monica enough! She was amazing with Bodhi and brought hope and life back into our lives. Hopefully Bodhi will continue to do well, but if he does have another flare up, I will call Dr. Monica to start treatments again!”

Tia L., Client

“I will be forever grateful to Dr. Monica for her professionalism, expertise, thoughtfulness and compassion during Rosie’s illness.”

Darlene L., Client

“Dr Monica has a true gift in alternative medicine for our furry babies. Not only are the treatments helping, my dog loves her!”

Teresa M., Client

Frequently Asked Questions

We have addressed some important topics and also answered some common questions in our FAQs section but please feel free to reach out if you have additional concerns!

Weight in veterinary medicine is scored by body conditioning scores. A 1 to 9 scale is commonly used with 1 equaling emaciation(too skinny) and 9 being severely overweight (overconditioned). A 4/9 or 5/9 is an ideal score for pets. Click this link to estimate your pet’s score.
It is vitally important for pets to maintain a healthy weight (healthy body condition score) to lead healthier, happier, longer, and more mobile lives. See this Purina study as an example for living longer lives. We encourage and challenge you to demonstrate your love in manners besides feeding treats such as walks, belly rubs, toys, playing, etc