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Contact Info

General Inquiries


Monday to Friday – 9 am – 5 pm
Closed Weekends

* If this is a medical emergency, call your regular veterinarian or a veterinary emergency hospital.


Frequently Asked Questions

We have addressed some important topics and also answered some common questions in our FAQs section but please feel free to reach out if you have additional concerns!

Human acupuncture originated approximately 3000 years ago as a branch of Chinese medicine. After millennia of successes and failures, acupuncture has evolved to where it is today- a complementary tool to alleviate pain and help manage chronic illnesses. Over the years, this art form evolved to include the veterinary profession. Acupuncture involves inserting very small needles in precise locations along channels also known as “meridians.” The needles are used to help the flow of energy, “Qi” (pronounced chee) which travels along the meridians all over the body. The goal of treatment is to achieve balance. We often combine other Chinese branches of medicine such as herbology, food, Tui Na (massage), and exercise to reach equilibrium.
Our animal companions experience pain and chronic illnesses just as we do. Conditions that may respond to therapy include but are not limited to arthritis, neurologic conditions, chronic medical conditions, and behavioral conditions. Acupuncture in combination with traditional Western medicine can help achieve a superior quality of life. Most pets respond favorably to the therapeutic needles and often times relax and enjoy the session.

A comprehensive history and physical exam will be performed, incorporating elements of both Western & Eastern medicine. Based on these findings, an acupuncture treatment plan will be devised.

The first session is often lengthy and is generally one hour long. We communicate the goal for acupuncture therapy; recommend immediate treatment, as well as a long term plan. In general, our recommendations include a minimum of 3 to 8 treatments to determine response to therapy.

The treatment consists of emplacement of small needles, which remain in place for approximately 20 minutes. Electroacupuncture and/or aquapuncture modalities may be employed to accentuate response to acupuncture therapy. We approach each case individually. An approach for each session will be tailored to your pet’s needs.

Dr. Monica is a small animal veterinarian with an emphasis in acupuncture and rehabilitation. She can guide you and answer some veterinary medical questions. However, if there is a need to seek an in-person consultation with your veterinarian she will recommend so at that time.
Yes, there is a fee associated with the service. We charge in 15-minute increments.
Dr. Monica does not have a pharmacy like a traditional veterinary hospital; however, she uses VetSource, an online pharmacy for prescription requests and if she needs to prescribe medications for your pet.  Click here to visit our online pharmacy.
Weight in veterinary medicine is scored by body conditioning scores. A 1 to 9 scale is commonly used with 1 equaling emaciation(too skinny) and 9 being severely overweight (overconditioned). A 4/9 or 5/9 is an ideal score for pets. Click this link to estimate your pet’s score.
Cancellation Policy for Doctor Appointments: We understand that there are times when you must miss an appointment due to emergencies or obligations for work or family. If an appointment is not canceled at least 24 hours in advance, you will be charged a 50% appointment fee.
“No-Show” Appointments: We understand that unexpected events can happen however, if Dr. Monica arrives at your home or office and no parties are available for the appointment, you will be subject to the full-service charge

Initial acupuncture visits last about one hour. Recheck acupuncture visits last about 45 minutes Rehabilitation initial assessments can last 1-1.5 hours and recheck rehabilitation assessments last about 1 hour.  Laser therapy time varies based on number of sites being treated and the size of the patient.  Laser therapy can last as short as 15 minutes to as long as 30 minutes.

We accept debit, all major credit cards (except American Express) and cash.  Payment is expected at the time of service.  We also require a 50% deposit for all initial visits.

“I can’t thank Dr. Monica enough! She was amazing with Bodhi and brought hope and life back into our lives. Hopefully Bodhi will continue to do well, but if he does have another flare up, I will call Dr. Monica to start treatments again!”

Tia L., Client

“I will be forever grateful to Dr. Monica for her professionalism, expertise, thoughtfulness and compassion during Rosie’s illness.”

Darlene L., Client

“Dr Monica has a true gift in alternative medicine for our furry babies. Not only are the treatments helping, my dog loves her!”

Teresa M., Client